No Falls Week 13th – 17th May 2024

We have recently started to promote our support on social media for the ‘No Falls Week’ organised by the No Falls Foundation.  Look out for our ongoing promotion through our social media pages leading up to and during this campaign.  If you would like to know more, click on this link to take you to the No Falls Week Campaign Website: About No Falls Week – No Falls Week

Our health and safety advisors are routinely at the ‘coal face’ whether it’s on a construction site, in a workshop, or even in a warehouse facility.  The risks from falls in the workplace are not restricted to any single business sector and considerations for the hazards and their risk mitigation must be applied in every situation.

Ladders and step ladders are the most common access equipment provided and misused items across all business sectors, there are several considerations to be applied when selecting them as the suitable means of access.

  1. The height required to complete the work
  2. Are the items provided for access only or is work expected to be completed from them?
  3. Is the work activity of short duration and light duty?
  4. Can the user always maintain 3 points of contact when using them?
  5. Is the area in which the equipment will be used suitable?
  6. Are the ladders provided, of industrial grade?
  7. Does the user have appropriate training for the safe use of the equipment?

Risk Assessments should challenge the points above to ensure the equipment provided is a ‘reasonably practicable solution’ for the proposed access solution for the activity in mind.  There are several guidance documents freely available to assist in this risk assessment process or, alternatively, you can consult with your health and safety advisors.

Go to:  https://ladderassociation.org.uk/la455/